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Friday, March 16, 2007
5:29 AM

sometimes you have to wonder what is it actually that this modern times could actually offer you...i mean its all gloriously 20th century but other than the amazing technological advances such as handphones and computers, there isnt much im really..erm you know..happening.

the hippies are shorn and flower power has wilted, punks have rebelled and anarchy ain't all that new, psychedelia is forsaken for disco which is now helping aunties strut their stuff. Man there ain't no proper idealogy you can throw yourself into, no random communes that you could be brainwashed into...all we have are bombs, violence and more dead people. The Mods have packed their sharp suits and rode off into the sunset with their scooters and then i was born. 2 years into my birth came Nirvana and then what? The rock scene is so dead, the quest for personal fulfilment is sacrificed for literal monetary advancement and the teenagers of today are a buncha mtv glazed-eyed sheep waiting to be herded. I mean, we start decaying mentally when we are teenagers? where's fighting for your rights and making yourself heard? If you like Band A and people say they suck, do you join in loving Band B and diss Band A? All just to prove you 'belong'? Know what you want and and stick to it because no one truly understands yourself like you do. Oh wait, if you are hopelessly disillusioned with your life then i suppose its better going with the crowd and being emo, its easier and more 'acceptable'.

I suppose i am rambling off a huge chunk of rather indeterminable thoughts but its my blog and i find it therepeautic to rant and clear my mind of random floating thoughts and i think the point of this post would be..erm...let me think.. oh yeah i suppose the point of this entry would be to break out of the mould and be yourself, don't change yourself for stuff you don't want because i had just too many friends doing that and when i look at what they were and what they became, i just felt sad. Why?

* i love thee divine Athene, for thou expanded the borders of my mind'

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
11:32 PM

BAYERN'S THROUGH!!! Yeah, and now Bayern has the distinction of being the club with the fastest goal scored in the history of the competition!!! Whee.

Just look at Kahn, sense the jubilation of Bayern fans worldwide!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007
7:41 PM


Yes, it shows that my faith in them was not for show!! YEAAAAH. Although i think that Shi Jia Yi really stinks, and they shouldn't play him...but hey without Goh Tat Chuan, they don't have any more decent midfielders! And yes, Raddy had the decency to play Subramani for what is his Swan Song, really nice gesture for Mani (which is my favorite player of all! he is totally rock-solid) Its sad that he's leaving the National Team, but hey at least he got to play the last match!
Well, other than gushing about Singapore's magnificent win, i dont really have much to say except that the Thais were really sporting even after their country lost and its worth some claps and pats on the backs! Kudos to you Thai Supporters, you people set a good example!!
* love thee Athene, grey-eyed one'

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
12:37 AM

the Byrds are a revelation. Its like unparalleled sonic advancement man, i don't know how to say this but the fact that they do songs like So You Want To Be A Rock'N'Roll Star is really quite the thing. Well, i just need a Kinks Cd and Dylan cd to complete my musical tour of 1965 and boy was it a journey. Imagine a year with the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Byrds, The Kinks and Bob Dylan. Bloody hell, wished i was born in 1965 eh, great great times for rock'n'roll, it was just coming into its second golden era after Elvis and Chuck Berry.

Sometimes it makes me so proud just to be part of this amazing and wonderful tradition called Rock'N'Roll. To all the rockers out there, i hail your tenacity and determination living out your life the way you want to, unbind ed by the whims of society and the perspectives of normal folk! \m/ Its never easy being a rocker, you are misunderstood and maligned but why do we bother, all the people that speak ills of us never really understood what's the beauty of this music anyway. They can take their candy pop and shove it back to their annoying throats anyway. You don't know Rock'N'Roll till you 'feel' it coming all over you, like needles and pins making al your hair stand and tingle! And today, the Byrds made me tingle! Im aiming for another musical Bob Dyland journey next, so cheers and although im not a metalhead, punk or any rock sub genre, here's a big shout out to all you rockers to keep on sticking it to the man! \m/

So you think you know Rock'N'Roll? Well think again.

* i think i have a problem with narrow-minded people, in fact i positively hate their negative guts. =D*

<* i love thee divine Athene, for thou art always present in thy life'

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
6:48 PM

i so cannot resist posting this up. Im sorry my Horse friend if you feel your privacy is rather enroached by this flagrant display of your genitals but rest easy knowning that..now your pecker is admired by bestiality pals everywhere!! Isnt that just so wonderful? In case you are wondering, i am NoT a fan of Beastiality. I find it rather odd actually, but hey if you are into Necrophilia, you are into anything!! 3-)

* have at thee! for thy got thine Gods on thy side! '

7:38 AM

this post is directed at those ignorant people out there who has never seen the other side of the coin. Its all well and good to have all these wonderful views on how cosy and lovely your god is but for the sake of the sanity of those around you who do not share this view, keep your bloody views to yourself. Certain Christians (not all, for i personally know some wonderful Christians) have this overwhelming compulsion to force upon others their 'right' viewpoint and how loved they are by their god. Oh swell, but know that I do not subscribe to your theological outlook and stop telling me i would burn in Hell for my blasphemy and for whatever commandments i broke against your wonderful god. If i do not believe in Christianity, i would not believe in your Hell, and thus there would be no punishment that i would be liable to suffer when i trangress upon your holy world.
Then you ask me, so what if it is true, that the Gods then i am worshipping are in fact Demons and Devils? Let me answer that question for you, you paranoid weak cowardly beings.

*How many have died in the name of Christianity through the endless persecutions of the Middle Ages and the pointless crusades for Jerusalem and how many have died for Satanism?* (*This point was brought to my attention by my great buddy Kount Cider*)

Next time before you open your huge gab to speak ill of my religion and others, make sure you know your subject matter and others before you talk it through with me. I have seen instances when overzealous pimply young Christians come sauntering towards me with their holiness shining like a glowing beacon only to be dimmed and broken when i drag the topic to Hinduism or Taoism. If you only know about your own Bible, how do you convert others of different faith if you know nought of their beliefs? Disgusting infantile creatures. May the Gods have pity on you.

* I love thee Goddess Athene, even though thou might be a demon.'

and my lovely Aphrodite, you know what i want don't you my naughty Goddess?

Monday, January 01, 2007
5:46 AM

You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

3:10 AM


its 2007. I feel old. Im going to be 19. I have one year less to live.

Its scary how fast life passes you, i know its cliched but its because its true. Those days of yesteryears are buried in the dirt of history and all we left with are the sweet memories of those times. For everybody i met in my life, i hope that i've left an impression negative or postive and for those whom i call friends, im truly humbled and grateful that you would choose to associate with me and hang out with me regardless of anything. Its cool and i appreciate that and know that i'll have your back even though we might not be the chummiest of pals right now.

Its getting to be a tad too sentimental and so let's stop here and welcome 2007 with gaping mouths and outstretched arms! I love a new year because there's so much promise and anticipation on what is going to happen, like suddenly being catapulted to fame because you look like a potato chip and stuff! Uh huh and i hear that Cable's going to have a new reality tv programme called 'look at me' where the host trawls Utah, America to look for innocent folks who looks conspicuously like ham/cheese burgers or french fries looking citizens. yet another low-blow for tv. =)

And just now when i watched the tv, there was some show on about how music and fashion intermingles around with each other and how it influences each other and etc....BUT when it was time for the friggin model catwalk, they bloody brutalized rock fashion. For one, the people modeling Grunge ended up looking a bit mod and like they were too cold, Punks wouldn't strut around the stage with their mohawks and torn clothes, all rock'n'roll models shouldn't look like Elvis (where's chuck berry and buddy holly, jerry lee lewis?) and Glam rock models ended up looking kinda strange. Although glam rock is pretty weird, with Bowie and Marc Bolan. HAH.
Any Bowie fans, feel free to diss me because as knowledgable as i am about Rock'N'Roll, i'm nowhere near the holy grail of rock then when i started and so i need to learn more..and more...i need to find a rocker whose knowledge eclipse my own. Such as my uncle...but my uncle is like those guru ah pek in movies..who dispenses advice only once in like 1 million years.. so i need a rock'n'roll teacher. a good one. For those about to rock, we salute you!

well as with every new year, here are my resolutions.
  • try to be more responsible (although i am already)
  • be a more family person
  • read more brain massaging books
  • eat more Carl's Jr
  • become a credible Face
  • get my bloody Scooter
  • try to sprinkle some romance into my life.
  • find an aim in life which i have some zest for.

well, im done with this and yeah assignments are screwing me but hey, if nothing much screws you, then your life is boring! Pip pip!

goddess Athene, my patron goddess, bless and empower me for the many trials i shall face in this coming year. Give me the wisdom to discern what is right for me and the strength to stick it to the man while being a good boy at all times. You have made me realize the gems in my life and for that i will remember your lesson. Daughter of Zeus, Lord of Olympus, i call on your divine name and i thank you for your many favors and attention you have showered upon me. I LOVE THEE GODDESS ATHENE!

Sunday, December 24, 2006
7:40 AM

its the END OF THE YEAR. or soon in like a few more days and i feel absolutely old. Its sad enough that at 18 you cant openly play pokemon in public and you cant gush with over-enthusiasm over PPG (powerpuff girls), now that its going to be 2007, it means im going to be 19 soon, which means i have one year less to live. I do have alot of things to live for i guess, so its time for another list! Lists rule, they make order out of the chaos of our lives. I think i ripped that off from somewhere.

List of what i have to live for.

  1. Legendary Rock Albums. Anyone want to get for me Who's Next and Anthem of the Sun?
  2. My MOD Vespa.
  3. All the books i want to read but have not. Which i must say is a pretty wide list.
  4. A nerdy girlfriend which turns out to be gorgeous w/o her thick glasses. LOL.
  5. Go to Greece and Egypt.
  6. Rock Memorabilia.
  7. Visit the Rock'N'Roll Museum
  8. Eat Carl's Jr again
  9. Become a rockstar like Keith Moon without the dying part.
  10. Meet Kate Beckinsale and drool all over her dress..oh yesss
  11. I shouldn't be that greedy..10's enough for now..=)

Oh yes since its 10 more minutes to Christmas, everyone a very jolly merry fantastical wankish SEASON'S GREETINGS!!!!! May all of you get what you wish for, whether its a cyclopean goldfish or a putrid rotting tomato! Pip pip and cheers! Have fun with the season of love and giving, and hey even if you don't celebrate X'mas, try to con people to give you a present!

* i do apologise for the small blog, but wait..its not my fault is it? I take back my apology now, forget that i apologised in the first place. What apology? Did i even mention a sorry? No i did not, im sorry Sir,i think you must be imagining things. What? Oh now you are saying i'm a liar? That's just wrong, you don't call people liars on Christmas man, its like saying 'it feels good to be alive' loudly at a funeral grinning widely. Oh yeah now you wanna fight me huh? COME ON MAN, i know Muhammad Ali man, float like a butterfly sting like a BEE! yeah what a way to kick off X'mas, entertaining self-banter! God i love myself. =D

* i love thee divine Athene and a merry X'mas to you my glorious goddess!'


Whee Hah!


sabrina yong xun yi da nash adam ika sky guan cheong e1rwan mel victor chris wan qing shirley mandy biling PKS daryl jacelyn ika joyce jonathan (ECH)



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